Sprains & Strains
Resources » Sprains & Strains
Sprains & Strains
A sprain is damage to a ligament. A strain is damage to a muscle or muscle attachment. Signs, symptoms and immediate treatment are the same for either.
Signs & Symptoms
- Pain
- Loss of power
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Tenderness
- Rest the injury and protect from further harm.
- Apply an ice pack to reduce pain and swelling. Apply a damp tea towel to the skin before placing the ice pack to avoid frost bite. Do not exceed 20 minutes at a time – remove, allow the skin to return to normal temperature and then reapply.
- Apply a firm but non-constrictive bandage to the injured area to reduce swelling.
- Elevate the injury to further prevent swelling.
- Seek medical attention to rule out broken bones.