Learner Appeals

Learner Appeals Procedure

All students will be made aware of the complaints and appeals procedure during the induction phase of any WorkSafe training programme.  This information is provided as part of the induction information materials at the start of each course.

Grounds for Bringing an Appeal

It would be impossible to provide an exhaustive list of grounds for bringing an appeal and, therefore, each situation will be dealt with on its own individual merits.

However, it is likely that disagreements will fall under one or both categories set out below:

  1. a) Disagreements about assessment decisions
  • The Learner believes that the evidence they have produced does not warrant the assessment decision given.
  • The Learner believes that the performance that they have demonstrated does not warrant the assessment decision given
  • The Learner believes that the Assessor has missed or misjudged some evidence, which the Learner believes supports the claim of competence in a particular area.
  1. b) Disagreements about the conduct of the assessment process
  • The Learner feels that the assessment process has been discriminatory.
  • The Assessor demands more evidence than the standards require.
  • The Learner feels that they have had unfair access to assessment, e.g. not enough time being allocated by the Assessor.


In the event of there being a disagreement as outlined in the examples above we ask that the learner brings this to the attention of their instructor or assessor as soon as possible.

Should this fail to provide an agreement informally, please contact the Worksafe Training Co-ordinator via one of the following options:

Contact: The Training Co-ordinator, Mrs P Hill

Call: 02476 102297 / Email:

When you contact us, please give us your full name and contact details along with:

  • A full description of your complaint (including the subject matter and dates and times if known);
  • Any names of the people you have dealt with so far;
  • Copies of any paperwork to do with the complaint.

WorkSafe ask that you raise your complaint as soon as possible after the event so that we have the opportunity to investigate fully.  For WorkSafe to effectively investigate the complaint this must be made within 4 weeks of the incident/decision occurring. The Training Coordinator will investigate your complaint and respond to you within 7 days.

WorkSafe Training will take seriously all possible complaints relating to any of our approved Instructors or Assessors or against our training materials.  A full investigation will always be carried out to determine any mitigating circumstances from both parties and a report published to affected individuals.  A copy of the report will be kept by WorkSafe Training and in line with our record keeping policy destroyed after 3 years.

In the unlikely event that you remain unhappy after your complaint has been investigated and a decision reached then you may escalate your complaint to our Quality Control Manager who will instigate our appeals process.


Appealing after an initial complaint has been raised

In the unlikely event of a Student, Instructor or Assessor wishing to appeal against any decision made by WorkSafe Training the following procedure will apply:

Contact: The Quality Control Manager, Natalie Parsons

Call: 02476 102297 / Email:

Please include any further items for consideration and state clearly why you remain unhappy with the decision taken so far. The Quality Control Manager will investigate your complaint and respond to you within 14 days.

A full investigation will always be carried out and a report published to affected individuals.  A copy of the report will be kept by WorkSafe Training and in line with our record keeping policy destroyed after 3 years. Decisions relating to appeals will be based on the national guidance from the Qualifications Regulator and in the case of health and safety courses the guidance from the Health & Safety Executive.

This will be the final route of escalation within our company.  Therefore, if you remain unhappy after following our own internal complaints and appeals procedure please contact the Awarding Organisation directly, details are available via the WorkSafe Quality Control Manager.

Should you address your complaint to the Awarding Organisation and remain unhappy with the outcome you may then raise your complaint to the relevant qualification regulator. Details of this can be provided by the WorkSafe Quality Control Manager or the Awarding Organisation.

For First Aid, Fire and Manual Handling courses awarded by WorkSafe Training the final arbiter in any unresolved appeals process relating these courses will be The Health and Safety Executive, please contact: