Training provider Update

Please complete this form to update your Approved Training Provider status with WorkSafe and supply us with your logo to include on student certificates.
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Please enter the details of the company or organisation that will be delivering WorkSafe courses.
This is the name that will appear on WorkSafe certificates as the training provider
Contact name for correspondence/certificates
This is the person we will send all training related correspondence and certificates to.
If you would like all of the certificates for your company to go to a specific admin email address, please enter it here.
Company Address
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a high resolution copy of your current business logo or the logo you wish to appear on student certificates. Your file should be in format .png, .svg or .jpg with landscape dimensions of 350px by 175px.

Training Provider Directory Listing

WorkSafe maintains a list of training providers that offer training commercially. If you would like us to share your details please complete the section below.

If you only offer in-house training to your own employees do not complete this section.
Data Sharing Agreement
Only tick this box if you wish your training provider contact details to be shared for general public enquiries received by WorkSafe.
This is to direct any enquiries we may have to your website.
This will be used to pass to public enquiries for training.
A contact number for public enquiries.

Use of your logo on our website and social media

From time to time we feature our customers in website blogs and social media posts. Please indicate if you are happy for us to use the logo/branding you supplied for inclusion on certificates to be used for this purpose
Permission to use logo on website/social media

Acceptance of Terms

Liability Insurance
It is a requirement of ongoing approval that a copy of your business insurance is shared with WorkSafe. Please upload your latest liability insurance certificate if not previously sent to WorkSafe.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please upload a copy of your current business insurance that covers your training activities
Rules and Regulations Compliance
Failure to teach within the requirements of these regulations will affect your approval to deliver WorkSafe training programmes.