WorkSafe Instructor Spotlight!

Introducing Helen from Four Seasons Healthcare.

Helen is a regional in-house trainer for her care group. Read on to discover her experiences and insights in first aid training.

How long have you been teaching first aid?

Just over six years!

I absolutely love teaching the first aid courses to my colleagues because it is such a worthwhile subject. The delegate not only gets to practice CPR but can see the absolute benefit in using their new skills, enabling them to become a life saver to anyone; family, work colleagues or the stranger in the street, it is invaluable!

What advice would you give to someone thinking of becoming an in-house trainer?

Go for it!

The reward is immeasurable knowing that through your training, another person can save lives and feel confident to do so, and that is amazing.

 How does in-house training benefit the company you work for?

Being a Regional trainer enables me to deliver to everyone in the care home regardless of their role. This is a very empowering opportunity for them as some people feel they are not important enough to be trained in all subjects. 

It allows for growth in the individual and is so beneficial for the company as it ensures there are always enough first aiders in the home to cover all eventualities.

 What do you enjoy about teaching first aid?

Everyone is engaged and interested as it is without a doubt a subject that any of us can be affected by at any time. 

The learners are always enthusiastic and love learning about elements of the body and most importantly how to save lives.

 What do you find are the best icebreaker activities when running your courses?

Depending on the size of the group I will use different icebreakers, but one that really works well is asking them to tell two truths and a lie about themselves.

Obviously two statements are true but one is a lie and the other delegates have to determine which one is the lie, it can be hilarious!