WorkSafe Student Spotlight!

Graeme attended the Level 3 Award in Education and Training with us and has since gone on to run a successful cookery school.

‘I’m proud to have achieved my teaching qualification so that I can do what I love’ Graeme, owner of FOhOhD

Can you tell us about your background and what inspired you start a cookery school?

Apart from puddings, I had little interest in food as a kid! Both of my parents cooked, and this began to shape my eating habits as I got older. When I started cooking for myself and others, food began to pique my interest.

I made the decision to leave my job and return to college to obtain my Level 3 qualification in professional cookery. The desire to teach emerged when I became a parent, realising the importance of home-cooked meals (and saving money), and recognising the significant void in people’s education about cooking.  

I wanted to share my knowledge of food with the aim of helping others to eat better, empowering them to make informed decisions about what they choose to eat.

How did the Level 3 Award in Education and Training help you prepare for teaching?

Wanting to teach is one thing, but going through with it and having the confidence is another. I’m a confident person but, like many people, I often question myself. The teaching qualification gave me the confidence to progress my business. Not only did it give me the chance to showcase my knowledge, it helped to improve my teaching techniques.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

When you’re passionate about something it’s so rewarding to share that knowledge with others. Food is part of our everyday lives. I love meeting new people and getting to know them; sharing knowledge and listening to their experiences is amazing. I often learn new things from the people that come. 

Who comes to your classes?

I’ve been amazed at the diversity of people coming through my door! All ages from 15-80, with different backgrounds and lifestyles. I’ve had couples, friends, individuals and groups. So far we’ve had a good time and made some great food!

What challenges have you had to overcome?

Working for yourself means time is your biggest commodity. My business was built around my family and being able to be there for them, so managing my time can be challenging. Running your business from your family home is definitely a challenge as you can’t just turn up and start working, there are always things to sort and tidy beforehand.  

What advice would you give to someone considering the Level 3 Award in Education and Training to pursue a similar career?

Being human means that we tend to scrutinise ourselves on whether we are good enough to do what we want to do.  Confidence and determination are key to being successful but having a formal qualification to back you always helps.

It’s great to share knowledge and connect with people who are excited to learn from you. Getting the teaching qualification will help you to engage with people and to be a better teacher. I’m proud to have achieved my teaching qualification so that I can do what I love.