Febrile Convulsions

Febrile Convulsions

Febrile convulsions can be very distressing to see. They are usually related to high temperatures and most commonly affect children aged between 1 and 4 years but can affect children from 6 months to 6 years old.

Signs & Symptoms

Signs and symptoms can include:

  • Shaking or jerky movements
  • Hot flushed skin
  • Lips and face may look blue or the child may stop breathing


  1. Remove any objects that may cause injury and protect the child’s head.
  2. Try to cool the child down, remove excess clothes or bedding and clothes. Make sure there is fresh air circulating but be careful not to overcool the child.
  3. After the convulsion check airway and breathing and place then into the recovery position.
  4. Call 999/112 to seek medical help.

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